7 figure Attraction Agent

The Mat Steinwede System

June 23, 2024 Tom Panos - Real Estate Coach & Trainer
The Mat Steinwede System
7 figure Attraction Agent
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7 figure Attraction Agent
The Mat Steinwede System
Jun 23, 2024
Tom Panos - Real Estate Coach & Trainer

Learn how you can become a household name in your target market - without being intrusive - using the legendary 'Mat Steinwede System'

This is the formula Mat Steinwede used when he had zero database and his team still uses it to saturate the market.

In the Real Estate Gym, Mat also reveals his listing presentation formula, and the 3 biggest mistakes agents often make at the listing. Plus you get the entire downloads and access to the entire course: Mat Steinwede's Negotiation Masterclass.

Join before 30 June 24 and get 14 days of extended access - FREE!

Show Notes Transcript

Learn how you can become a household name in your target market - without being intrusive - using the legendary 'Mat Steinwede System'

This is the formula Mat Steinwede used when he had zero database and his team still uses it to saturate the market.

In the Real Estate Gym, Mat also reveals his listing presentation formula, and the 3 biggest mistakes agents often make at the listing. Plus you get the entire downloads and access to the entire course: Mat Steinwede's Negotiation Masterclass.

Join before 30 June 24 and get 14 days of extended access - FREE!

Tom Panos:

So, when you hit saturation.

Mat Steinwede:

Your business goes like this, but most agents prospect on need they prospect because they need a listing.

Tom Panos:

I don't, I farm relationships, when I was thinking about getting a stem cell transplant and I was going to be out of action if it worked. If it didn't work, that would have been another story. And you were so kind to say I'll take over the real estate gym. I still remember it and I said to someone the other day he said who's the best real estate agent in Australia? I said Matt Steinway. He said is that with what? With the McGrath Network or the REB or the realestatecom? I said no, it's the Tom Panos criteria. He goes, oh, really he goes. Have you got your own awards that you give out? I said no, no, I haven't got my own award. But I said you've asked me who the best is and he goes.

Tom Panos:

Well, what's your criteria? I said really simple. I said I look at number of years, so that way I know that form is temporary but class is permanent, so he's done it for a long time. Number two I look at the fact that I realise that he's had a real estate life and a family life and lots of kids and wives. So I take that into account. I take into account that he's not a fake because, I said, I meet a lot of people on the platforms and on the circuit that they're fakes. And I know the guy and I said the other thing is, I look at the fact that you know the guy is fitter than most people in their 20s and I think that that's success. So I said, ultimately, that's it. He goes oh, is that your criteria? I go, yeah, and not a dickhead. I said, so, that's it. And he goes oh, you should have an award every year, the Tom Pannis Award, based on all those things. And I go, yeah. I said there wouldn't be too many winners, but, mate, that's the problem.

Mat Steinwede:

I have many agents contact me saying what should I say when I door knock and I say, ask if they want to sell their house and they're like, is that it? Is that it? But they take a report with them of some sort or a CMA or something. So it's not embarrassing to you know they're giving them something but you're missing a chance to contact them twice Because always remember 9 to 12 contacts. People start to become your friend, start to this is across the whole area.

Mat Steinwede:

And then around 20 connects around that. So 18 to 24, just double it. You start to become a household name. So you want to get to those connects without hassling people. You've got to do it in a way that so if you come back to that person in three months time and you knock on their door again, that's fine. Any sooner than that's too early. A long time later is too late. They sort of forget you a little bit and that's why in the gap they're going to get card DL, quarterly thing, whatever they're going to get. So you've got to have this nice rhythm going on. This is why it's so important. Tom, I'm a pretty capable person with time and I'm a very relentless worker always have been. But I've never gone outside of a thousand homes. When I say outside of prospecting, I don't prospect other areas, prospecting, I don't prospect other areas. I don't do over here and over there and what's the point it's like. But what I do want in that thousand homes is complete saturation.

Mat Steinwede:

So when you hit saturation your business goes like this, but most agents prospect on need they prospect because they need a listing. I don't. I farm relationships when you do this over 1,000 homes properly, you do this. You never have to ask people if they want to sell their house again. Okay, you don't have to. You can, but you don't have to. You ring next time, mr Penos, it's Matt.

Tom Panos:


Mat Steinwede:

I don't say McGrath, it's Matt. Oh Matt, how are you going? Great, I'm just letting you know number 10 sold in your street. Awesome, what did it sell for? That's how the conversation feels. It takes a long time to convert from asking to giving. But now I could ring most of Wombrill well, the ones that I've connected with over a long time and just say, hi, it's Matt. So now all I'm doing is positioning for uncontested business in the future. It doesn't mean I don't list and sell anywhere else. Of course I do. But I don't love it as much because when I go to a Wombrill market opinion, I don't think it's here. I've got the area in a presentation, CMA, so detailed. I'll sit there, I will delve into price so deeply with these people and we're talking about it and all of this. Like I love it because I know it like nothing else. But go to another area. Man, I'm shitting from the hip.

Tom Panos:

Matty, you know what I'm really loving the way you're speaking today. You're speaking with the same energy and passion as if a guy had been in real estate six months. I'm thinking to myself this is 35 years now, isn't it, matt? No, no, no, 30. It's 30 years, okay, it's 30 years. And you can tell this like, let's face it, this guy gets asked these questions all the time by randoms ringing him up all the time, yet after decades of it, he still has got an enjoyment and pleasure describing why it's so good. Matt, I want to ask that report. Can you just say what's in that Womble report, what's actually in it? Would you give any suggestions on if you're going to pick 1,000 to 1,500 homes? Are there any tips on which 1,500 you should pick in your core area?

Mat Steinwede:

But I have the six steps that I run through every time and it doesn't have to be, you know, tedious, I tune in it. So before I go there, I send them this thing I don't know if there's one here called a help mat help you, so they get a pre-list kit.

Tom Panos:

You've shared it with me in the gym. It's in the gym that's given you a test ride of the real estate gym. In the real estate gym, we've got all the information you need to succeed, whether it's prospecting, listing, presentations, scripts, dialogues, how to actually have the best templates and have a process driven business. You can join the real estate gym, the doors are open now and it is less than one coffee a day as an investment.